Coyote Run
*Excerpt from Artist Statement*
An example of the fragmentation would be my recent work Coyote Run, 4’x4.5,’ a mixed-media oil painting. The scene depicts an unrealistic landscape colliding in one image. In the foreground, a coyote with a realistically rendered head but loose, flowing body runs across the canvas. In the background, an approaching car will potentially hit the coyote. Blending above the scene are three children, blurred and watching, and a disproportionate playground sits on top of the canvas behind them, tapped on, drawn in graphite and colored pencil. Then, a completely different setting and time collides to the right of the coyote. Night and day take place at the same time, and the lights of an ambulance are reflected in the side mirror of the car that the viewer is meant to be seated in
The work speaks about temporality. The coyote could meet its fate by the approaching car; the kids are young and could witness the incident. The scene would play out in only a couple of seconds, but the day passes in the painting. Its nonsensicalness evokes an urgent sense of flashbacks meeting in one moment.